Afaky Program for Production and Manufacturing

Afaqy program for production and manufacturing was designed to suit the needs of all factories in which the product goes through several stages, which gives you the ability to make the right decision to manage your business efficiently and effectively, in addition to the full interdependence with the warehouse and general accounts program .

and that is through :

  • It enables you to define the components of the finished product, determine the quantity of components for each product, and calculate the cost of the finished product automatically
  • Afaqy program for production and manufacturing covers all stages of manufacturing (manufacturing cycle) from issuing the production order to issuing the work order, which can be downloaded from the production order to the daily production process and determine the cost of the final item (product) and add it to the stores.
  • The daily production process is characterized by a horizontal program with maximum flexibility, as the manufacturing specifications can be changed for each production process separately, so that some of the components of the final item can be modified at the level of the production process itself without the need to modify the item components from the Items screen. 
  • Calculating the cost of the product from raw materials and industrial expenses.
  • The possibility of adding industrial expenses to production processes, each process separately.
  • Full control over the data by adding more than one user and defining the powers of each user separately, in addition to the presence of the user tracking feature to know who made this movement and when he did it.
  • Full control over stock and knowledge of stock quantity and item movements, whether raw materials or final product.
  • Issuing production orders for the benefit of the factory or for the benefit of your customers with ease.
  • Linking production orders with work orders and linking work orders with production processes.

Description of the program

  • Definition of a factory class
  • Add a production order
  • Add a job order
  • Add a production process

1- From the list of stores, choose the items, and this screen will appear to you, so press Add .



2- Then this screen appears, so enter the required data as shown in it, then click Save .


1- From the production and manufacturing list, choose production orders, and this screen will appear, so press Add .



2- Then this screen appears, so enter the required data as shown in it, then click Save .


1- From the Production and Manufacturing menu, choose Work Orders, and this screen will appear, so press Add .



2- Then this screen appears, press the sign (+) (1) .


3- Then this screen appears for you, choose the required production orders (1)

image7 Then press OK (2) then save .


1- From the production and manufacturing list, choose daily production, and this screen will appear, so press Add .



2- Then this screen will appear to you, so click on the work order and choose the work order to be produced and adjust the components if you want (1) Enter industrial expenses (2) Then press save .


Of course you can download Free production and manufacturing accounting software Through the download page to help you manage production and manufacturing, it is considered the most famous production and manufacturing program in Egypt and Saudi Arabia