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What is the electronic invoice system in Saudi Arabia?

Electronic Invoice in Saudi Arabia It is a digital (electronic) document that proves the transactions of buying and selling goods and services. and for the bill e Components and features, which are prepared and signed electronically, and sent and received in real time through the billing system. electronic by the financier.
  • The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority is working to implement electronic invoicing on a mandatory basis as of December 4, 2021 AD,
  • To all taxpayers subject to value added tax (excluding taxpayers who are not residing in the Kingdom) in addition to any other parties that issue tax invoices on behalf of the taxpayer,
  • This is the perfect digital solution Invoices are issued and modified completely electronically.

An overview of the stages of the electronic billing application

After scanning the QR Code from the simplified tax invoice, the following items must appear as a minimum after December 4, 2021:

Timestamp of the invoice or date and time notice

Supplier VAT registration number

Supplier name

Total invoice or notice with VAT

total value added tax

Electronic invoice forms from Afaky accounting program ERP System