eCommerce WordPress Themes

تصميم تطبيقات الموبايل من افاقي

Smartphones and tablets are one of the most important means and technology tools in the modern era, and statistics related to e-commerce indicate that most Internet users fulfill their requirements of shopping, browsing, organizing, monitoring business, and so on through smart phones.

We are distinguished by designing e-commerce applications, which are applications related to the process of selling products and managing electronic stores in terms of adding and modifying products, tracking sales and profits, creating invoices and accounts, communicating with customers and other options for managing electronic stores.

Simplicity in presentation, speed in performance, and ease of control over the entire site settings.

Top Rated Apps

The top rated apps on the site are nicely displayed on the app display page.


A special system that allows you to add administrative memberships to manage and control the site.


You will be able to control the current memberships on the site [Activate, Deactivate] and check the membership status

Simple presentation of the application

The application is presented in the store simply and distinctly, with user reviews displayed.

incoming mail

A special page to display all the messages received by the site through the contact us form, where it displays the list of messages and the complete sender data, with the possibility of deletion for each message.

Slider settings

The possibility of adding the content you want to the main slider of the site with support in two languages, the possibility of describing a title for the slide, a text description with an image of the application and download links.


You can add different categories in Arabic and English, with the Android or iOS operating systems, and you will also be able to add subcategories from them.

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